Le Petit Prince is well-known for the pastries, cakes, and etc..

To celebrate the newly elected president, we had a little gathering at my sis' cozy home.

See, I love the screen decor.  It's so warm.

Dinning tabletop decor.  Style of Chinese elegance.  
Except the green plants, they are all edible.

This heavy-scaled cake arrived, and I screamed out loud ....at heart.

It appeared simple.

Then we should all sing : " Rejoyce! Rejoyce! for there is a new borned king!" Sorry,  lyrics from Handel, the musician.

The cake consisted of one layer of pudding and one layer of smashed red bean.

Gave the cake few shots!

The cake was generously served by me! ha

She's very dear to me, Thanks GOD!
My eldest nephew just rushed back to vote for his ideal candidate.
What a spirit ! This family is very dreamy, cause my "girl nephew"/ niece
came back for the same reason.

He was holding a super expensive DVD.  
BTW, my elder nephew majors physics, brilliant boy.

Foody was watching the outcome; she's quite satisfied.

Viola, you like it?

They said he is the smartest one.  See, the youngest nephew is so adorable!
Hope my son would be that cute la.

SO CUTE! So glad I took this shot !

The cake was really good !

the texture of the cake was light (chiffon, I suppose, not pound cake).
Smashed red bean was not overly rich, just exactly the way I like ~  !

The old nephew took this shot for me, Thanks la!  Aunty likes it lo~

Oh! forgot to say...My sis teased me that  though they were celebrating Mr. Ma's success,
the cake was green and good enough to comfort me.


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